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Grid is a feature which allows survivors to have electricity in their stationary bases. It consists of wall wires and appliances adjustent to each other, orthogonally or diagonally, but not across z-levels. To make appliances work, there needs to be some stored energy in the grid.

Simple grid example

This is a guide to build a simple grid, consisting of battery and standing lamp, designed to verify that your version of game supports this feature.

  • Acquire small battery
  • Stand next to standing lamp
  • examine it
  • Confirm that you want it to be connected to grid
  • Go to build menu *
  • Search / for battery
  • Choose place small battery
  • Place it next to lamp
  • examine lamp
  • E Control multiple electronics
  • Choose Turn on overhead lights

This should turn on the lamp.


Wall wiring

Pre-existing walls may contain electric wires which can be a part of the grid. They need to be revealed first.

  • Acquire pliers. Pliers are common loot in kitchens of most houses.
  • Stand next to wall
  • Go to construction menu *
  • Search (/) for Reveal Wall Wiring
  • Select desired wall
  • Press `Enter`

This should turn wall into wall with wires, which can be examined to confirm that it, indeed, contains wires.

Connecting vehicles

Vehicles and appliances which have been moved by G dragging are disconnected from grid by default. To connect them to grid, select nearby appliance, choose g plug in appliance and select a vehicle tile.

Extending grid

Grids that are several tiles away from each other can be connected with cables. To do it, activate extension cable on desired appliance, then do it on another appliance. This can be used to connect appliances across multiple z-levels.

Different cables have different max distance between appliances.

Cable max length (tiles)
Jumper cable 1
Extension cord 8
Heavy-duty cable 18

Connecting vehicles

Vehicles can be connected to grid, either to charge their batteries or visa versa. To do that:

  1. Move vehicle next to grid
  2. examine element of grid, plug in appliance
  3. Select vehicle

Different vehicles can be connected to each other only by cables.


To check if appliance is connected to powered grid, you can use tools like multimeter and voltmeter by activating it. Currently they can't be crafted, but are an uncommon drop in houses (7-8% each).



Electricity in grid can be used to power useful appliances. Some examples include:

  • Standing lamp - provides light.
  • Refrigerator - container which keeps its contents cold while powered.
  • Oven - - tool which can be used in many cooking recipes. Ovens can be used by NPCs in faction camps, too.
  • Stationary water purifier - tool which can be used in clean water recipe (the quick one).
  • Box battery charger - container which slowly charges batteries inside it.
  • electric arc furnace - used as tool in many blacksmithing recipes.
  • Autoclave - a tool which can sterilize harvested CBMs.


Most batteries can be placed through building menu and plugged into grid.

Batteries store energy in kilojoules(kJ) whereas producers such as solar panels produce in watts(W). The time to fully charge a grid network can be solved with the formula J = W · t, where t is time in seconds. Multiply your grid's storage by 1000, divide that by your grid's output in watts, and divide that again by 60 to find your time to full in minutes, or by 360 to find time in hours. Adjust the time accordingly if you rely heavily on solar or wind power.


There are objects that refill grid's energy supplies. They include:

  • Solar panel - these are found on top of evac shelters, some businesses (strip clubs, electronic shops) and as part of some vehicles.
  • Wind turbine - provides electricity as long as there is wind.

Vehicles can convert fuel into electricity as long as they have 7.5kW generator component.

Currently there is no way to fix broken generators found around the world.


Before 0.F, players had to build single-tile vehicles and connect them with jumper tables to have stationary appliances.