Blank body

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@ blank body

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ blank body ]
Experimental - [ blank body ]

Hit Points 100
Species nether inhabitant
Default Faction nether
Size human sized
Weight 81.50 kg
Material flesh
Phase flesh
Speed 80
Melee Sk 6
Damage 1d4 bash + 0 cut
Dodge Sk 1
Bash Armor 0
Cut Armor 0
Special Ab SHRIEK
SA Cooldown 10 turns
Aggressiveness 0
Morale 100
Difficulty 5
Vision 40
Night Vision 1
 This is some form of unnatural changeling creature; its appearance is a bland mockery of the human form. Featureless and pale, its repugnant countenance is all the more unsettling due to its lack of eyes and distinguishing features except for a perfectly round mouth. Naked and trembling, it almost seems pitiful but for the way that its unearthly presence makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up in nameless horror. 

This creature is a human sized nether inhabitant. It's a competent fighter with very high hit points. It's slower than you, quite clumsy, has no armor against bashing weapons and no armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets). Its special ability allows it to nothing, every 10 turns.

It has extremely high morale and it's not particularly aggressive. Being a nether inhabitant, it's afraid of being hurt, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It is able to smell characters, can hear noises, is warm blooded (it appears in infrared), is considered an animal (it's affected by animal empathy), walks around some dangerous terrain and traps, dies in full sunlight, doesn't breathe (it's not affected by smoke, toxic gases, drowning, etc), can produce human flesh when butchered, can produce bones and sinews when butchered, and nothing else.

Being made of flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

When it dies, nothing unusual happens.

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

  • While not hostile nor particularly dangerous, its shriek ability may be an issue if you are trying to stealth around
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