Milspec turret

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2 milspec turret

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ milspec turret ]
Experimental - [ milspec turret ]

Hit Points 40
Species robot
Default Faction military
Size dog sized
Weight 285.25 kg
Material steel
Phase steel
Speed 100
Melee Sk 0
Damage bash + 0 cut
Dodge Sk 0
Bash Armor 14
Cut Armor 16
Special Ab gun
SA Cooldown 1 turns
Aggressiveness 100
Morale 100
Difficulty 20
Vision 40
Night Vision 1
 Leadworks LLC's T-4A1 Sentry. It features improved firmware over General Atomics' TX-1 9x19mm model and an automated M4 carbine. 

This creature is a dog sized robot. It's an awful fighter with low hit points. It's as fast as you, clumsy, has very high armor against bashing weapons and very high armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets). Its special ability allows it to nothing, every 1 turns.

It has extremely high morale and it's totally aggressive. Being a robot, it's afraid of nothing in particular, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It can see, has no distinguishable head (it's unaffected by head shots), can be damaged by EMP blasts and become friendly, cannot move, doesn't breathe (it's not affected by smoke, toxic gases, drowning, etc), and nothing else.

Being made of steel, it's vulnerable to electricity.

When it dies, it explodes.

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

NOTICE: As of 0.E (Ellison), turrets no longer emit light, fire immediately without warning, and have an effective range in excess of 30 tiles.

Milspec turrets are the better and more dangerous version of turrets. They can be found guarding various government installations in the world (bunkers, military outposts) and around roadblocks. Each turret has a built in light that will illuminate the area around it.

The player can deploy their own turrets. See inactive rifle turret. A (hostile or friendly) turret affected by EMP (such as from EMP grenade) will turn back into inactive turret and drop unused ammo (5.56 NATO). If destroyed by damage instead, it will explode (radius 1) and drop 1 component (scrap, electronic or 5.56 NATO).

They can attack up to 18 tiles with their rifle and can eviscerate targets at close range with up to and more than 50+ damage per shot (And it'll fire multiple times a turn to boot). As their ammo is limited (usually 100 bullets), they can run out of it and won't be able to harm anybody anymore. Turrets will warn the player by beeping loudly before attacking, giving you a chance to escape.

Turrets can be controlled with the control laptop, which also allows making them friendly. Walking into a friendly turret allows you to deactivate it. It will revert to an inactive rifle turret item and any remaining ammo will be dropped.

( Edit Notes )